Festive Cardinal Birds Christmas Ornaments
You can really bring your home decor alive with vibrant color this year just by choosing beautiful cardinal birds Christmas ornaments for your tree.
It will appear as though your favorite American birds are flying past the tree, or at least stopping to perch on the branches to greet you, every time that you walk past.
These brightly colored feathered friends make a great choice as a decoration for the festive season. Enjoy browsing this selection of beautiful Holiday ornaments.
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Beautifully Festive Cardinal Bird Christmas Tree Ornaments
Image Credit: Shared by Memphis CVB on Flickr with a CC License
The cardinal is one of the best loved American birds. This is hardly surprising since the males are a delight to look at with their beautiful fire red plumage and black marking around the face.
⭐ In a Hurry? Get a Cardinal Bird Ornament HERE from Amazon.com
The stunning red and black plumage of the male bird can stand out wonderfully against either a snowy white or a traditional color tree design to give the whole of it a real wow factor.
Red Bird Christmas Tree Cardinal Ornaments Look Wonderfully Festive
Get this Red Cardinal Bird Ornament by Hallmark on Amazon.com
This charming looking piece is a premium ornament by Hallmark and one of the very best I've seen. It has so much expression there in the elegant pose with the wings and the addition of the sparkling gems and gold color branch underneath looks very festive too.
What a delightfully charming gift a red cardinal ornament should make too. The recipient should really enjoy taking this out every year to hang up, either on the Christmas tree or on a special hanging stand to give the bird its very own pride of place.
No wonder so many manufacturers choose to base festive designs around one of these amazing little creatures. Red cardinal bird ornaments are the most stunning of all. The female of this species doesn't hold a candle to the looks of the male.
Anyone who loves these delightful animals will be happy to receive one of these ornaments as a keepsake Christmas gift that they can delight in year after year.
View this Jim Shore Cardinal Bird Christmas Ornament on Amazon.com
Not a realistic looking design at all but the characteristics that the designer, Jim Shore, has managed to capture look wonderful. The fabulous looking ornament is displayed in a vivid shade of red.
It has the familiar black marking across its face and the pointed crest of feathers. Everything that is highly recognizable about this bird has been captured with this collectible design by a highly regarded artist.
This stunning and distinctive tree ornament is over 3 inches high and should look very dramatic when displayed on a green Christmas tree or a white one.
Beautiful markings and scroll designs have been worked over the top of this ornament and picked out in green or red paint. The sculpture of this decoration is distinctive as the style that Jim Shore favors.
Buy this Musical Red Cardinal in a Lantern at Amazon.com
I love the styling of this particular red cardinal bird Christmas ornament. The bird is inside a hanging lantern and looks as though it is singing.
If you press the button, Joy to the World plays and the lantern lights up. It looks like something that would work well on a winter dressed tree. Hallmark cardinal ornaments are among my personal favorites.
⭐ If you missed out buying the beautiful Hallmark Lady Cardinal ornament when it was being sold originally in stores, you are lucky that you can still buy one from auction sites if you look.
The female Cardinal bird by Hallmark is one of the prettiest Cardinal ornaments that I have come across and especially nice with the colors. It should look delightful on any tree.
This is a very special looking hanging tree decoration with its traditional colors of red and gold yet modern design. It hangs from the tree with some gold colored sheer ribbon which matches the bird entirely.
Glass Cardinal Christmas Tree Ornaments Featuring this Red Bird
Get this Hand Painted Glass Cardinal Ornament at Amazon.com
Once upon a time, tree ornaments were mostly like this particular design. Nearly all of them were round glass ornaments that you would put up and then pack away very carefully each year so they did not break.
If you feel nostalgia for a traditional design of ornament, here is a delightful one featuring the Cardinal bird. In fact there are two on the bottom design and they are among pine boughs all of which is hand-painted. The ornament comes in a very smart red padded box which protects the item and makes it ideal for gift-giving too.
Buy this Blown Glass Cardinal Ornament at Amazon.com
If you love traditional blown glass designs, this one here by Old World Christmas looks wonderful.
It features a pair of birds, the red male and lighter female, snuggling up to depict togetherness for the Holiday season. This design is hand painted and adorned with glitter to make it sparkle and shine when you put it on your tree.
Cardinal Ornament Personalized Designs from Zazzle to Keep or Gift
Red Cardinal on Snow Christmas Ornament at Zazzle
You can easily add in a short piece of custom text to this cardinal bird on the snow design and also add the year. Adding a date can be a great choice for a memorable gift.
Cardinals Dogwoods Across The Miles Christmas Ceramic Ornament at Zazzle
This ceramic hanging ornament is double sided. You get a wonderful looking design of both the male and the female birds on a dogwood flower branch. The front of the design can be customized with a short message, suggested as greetings from.
The back of the design features a wonderful festive sentiment and allows you to personalize it further. Alternatively, you can simply remove all the text for a blank design featuring just the artwork instead.
Image Credit: photo belongs to the author.
Birds with red feathering are a particular favorite of mine which is why you will find me writing pages on Cardinals, English and American Robins. The photo displayed here is my attempt at folding an origami Cardinal from a sheet of red paper because I enjoy many crafts.
You could fold one of these birds and hang it from your tree with some string. If you want to see how I folded this design, visit my Origami Page for the video. The creator used black and red paper which is even more effective at capturing this delightful bird. Have fun choosing an ornament that you love to look at.
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