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The Princess Bride Gifts for Fans of the Movie

As You Wish, here is a really super selection of The Princess Bride gift ideas for fans of the book and movie.

Since most true, twue, fans like me should already own the movie and the book as a bare minimum, and probably loads more besides, it can be a challenge to know exactly what to buy.

Give a laugh this Christmas Holiday season with favorite character products including the Dread Pirate Roberts, Inigo Montoya and Vizzini, that really intellectual Sicilian.

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Some Inconceivably Good Princess Bride Gifts: Great Ideas for Fans of the Book and Movie

The Princess Bride Gifts Wrapped Items

Image Credit: photo belongs to the author.

The Princess Bride is a real all time favorite book of mine with a tale that truly has something for just about everyone to enjoy: adventure, romance, comedy, fighting, fantasy and fun!

The Princess Bride Book Lover Gifts

The Princess Bride: A Storybook to Color

Get a Princess Bride Coloring Book from

UK Readers get a Princess Bride Colouring Book from

Officially released back in December, just in time for Christmas, is this coloring book based on The Princess Bride story. This is an adult coloring book and has over 70 illustrations to color in, just as you wish!

The artwork is new and by the artist Rachel Curtis. It looks glorious just from the front cover. Hopefully more previews will come in due course. With the success of the adult coloring book market, I would expect this to make a great gift choice.

The Princess Bride: An Illustrated Edition of S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High AdventureThe Princess Bride: As You Wish: Memorable Quotes to ColorThe Princess Bride Adult Coloring BookThe Princess Bride Quote Mugs Get Back Witch Wife quote Marriage Gift

The book penned by William Goldman is totally awesome but, as is rarely the case, the movie is even better due to near perfect casting. This unique tale has understandably attracted a big cult and geek following over the years too.

Mugs and Classic Gift Glasses: As You Wish

You can have fun by getting your own Iocane drinking glass which comes with a masked logo for the Dread Pirate Roberts on the front. With this, you could recreate the Battle of Wits Poison Scene and use that amazing iocane powder to fool all your friends.

Princess Bride Iocane Powder Pint Glass

Get an Iocane Powder Pint Glass

UK Readers get an Iocane Glass from

This has to be the coolest looking pint glass ever. I love the design on this which has The Princess Bride on one side and Contents May Contain Iocane Powder on the other side.

It also comes with the Man in Black or Dread Pirate Roberts mask logo. Drink from this glass if you dare and remember ... "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line."

Fortunately the deadly toxin, Iocane Powder, is just fictional. The Battle of Wits is one, of many, memorable scenes from the movie and it's a scene that has been re-enacted so many times. Check out the Battle of Wits on YouTube and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Inconceivable Shot Glass, Inspired by The Sicilian and The Princess BrideThe Princess bride fire swamp mug geek giftFunny Mug - My name is Inigo Montoya. You drank my coffee. Prepare to die . You - 11 OZ Coffee Mugs - Inspirational gifts and sarcasm - By A Mug To Keep TMVandor 24061 The Princess Bride 12 Ounce Ceramic Mug, Multicolored Westley Princess Buttercup

There is another glass item I've encountered which isn't an official piece of memorabilia but any fan of the movie is sure to find it really funny. When the contents of the glass have been drunk, the person will see the horrifying message: You Have Just Been Poisoned!

It fits in superbly with the Battle of Wits scene between Vizzini the Sicilian and the Dread Pirate Roberts. You can normally find that one around on an auction site. You could use this idea yourself by using a special ceramic pen on the bottom of a plain mug before giving it to an unsuspecting friend.

Hero Gifts for Westley and Inigo Montoya Fans

For a slightly more deluxe gift figurine, there is a wonderful looking Limited Edition 1:5 Dread Pirate scale statue. This is an awesome looking replica of the hero Westley during his famous Cliffs of Insanity duel with Inigo Montoya.

It is a brilliant sword fencing scene. This is a limited edition item with only 500 pieces having been made and it is numbered on the base to reflect this collectible nature.

Princess Bride Movie Inigo Montoya T Shirt and Exclusive Stickers Hello My Name isPrepare to die Inigo Montoya Tee The Princess Bride T ShirtPrincess Bride You Seem A Decent Fellow Short Socks Westley Inigo Montoya GiftPrincess Bride word art print -11x17 Westley Buttercup

Inigo was apparently The Greatest Swordfighter in History ... until he got beaten by the Dread Pirate Roberts. You can get a fun bobblehead figure, not shown, that is true to the movie except for the fact that they forgot to add in his cheek scars. It's definitely a fun keepsake gift and one that a Montoya fan will enjoy.

There are lots of cool Inigo T-Shirts and collectibles that make use of his favorite phrases. Wear a t-shirt to demonstrate a real love of this cult classic.

He doesn't get a huge amount of lines in the movie but Mandy Patinkin who plays the forlorn character Inigo Montoya to perfection, breathes so much life into the famous You killed my father quote which he repeats over and over.

There are some great gifts based on this character and this is one of my favorites. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

PRINCESS BRIDE PRINT 8x11 A4 Color hand signed High Quality 350g matte couche paper Princess Buttercup and Westley by Medusa Dollmaker

Buy this As You Wish Print of Buttercup and Westley from MedusaDollmaker on Etsy

Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

There are also some 6.5 inch collectible bobbleheads of the Dread Pirate Roberts and other characters that a fan should enjoy having out on display somewhere.

There are other characters to collect from the same bobblehead range, so you can opt for a different character like Princess Buttercup, Miracle Max, Vizzini, Fezzik or Inigo Montoya instead.

Princess bride tshirt Iocane Powder Mens tshirt

Buy this Iocane Powder Tshirt by TeeSpiral on Etsy

Who is the coolest man ever imagined? That would have to be the swashbuckling masked hero, the Dread Pirate Roberts. Who could not like Westley from the movie version. He is someone to be admired by men and swooned over by women.

He is such a glorious figure clothed from top to toe in black. He even manages to beat the best sword fighter in history too. He's certainly a favorite character from the movie and one that Cary Elwes fans can enjoy too.

The Really Inconceivable Gift Items

Vizzini flies off into a rage with his favorite inconceivable quip. This magnet, below, could make a fun little stocking stuffer or small gift item. Vizzini, the short Sicilian, was just too clever. He had a dizzying intellect better than Plato, Aristotle or Socrates!

Ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? Morons.

Ata-Boy The Princess Bride Inconceivable! 2.5 x 3.5 Magnet for Refrigerators and Lockers

UK Readers get some Inconceivable Items from Etsy

The mastermind behind the kidnap of Princess Buttercup, Vizzini is short on stature but not on wits. It's pretty inconceivable that this character, who is just belly-aching funny in all of his scenes, is played by Wallace Shawn.

Wallace didn't get the humor of this in The Princess Bride. In fact, he claims not to have a sense of humor at all which is ironic considering just how ridiculously funny he was.

The Princess Bride chalkboard magnet set of 3  Miracle Man Storming the Castle Never go in against a SicilianInconceivable (Princess Bride) - Cross-Stitch Pattern, INSTANT DOWNLOAD PDFDread Pirate Diesel: Fine Art Watercolour Black Cat The Princess Bride Print SwordPrincess Bride Quote Full Box Planner Stickers for Erin Condren Planner, Filofax, Plum Paper

There is also another Bobblehead figure available of this character which shows him wearing his ridiculous and flamboyant outfit. The Sicilian is captured looking at his best with this figure that will proudly stand up on a shelf. Glad this one doesn't talk though because once he starts, you can't get him to be quiet.

Every year there is an official wall calendar which has photo shots from the movie as well as a quotation written down to enjoy each month. This is an easy buy to get especially for Christmas when calendars are often given as gifts.

In terms of buying keepsake gifts, anyone who adores the book version is going to be thrilled to know that there is a newer hardcover edition complete with illustrations: An Illustrated Edition of S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure.

As a fan, I'm very excited about that because it will be so nice to have a real keepsake version of the book. It would replace my heavily thumbed paperback edition which I unfortunately managed to drop in the bath last year after laughing out loud while reading.

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