Robin Bird Christmas Ornaments and Tree Decorations
Here are some sweet Robin bird Christmas ornaments to hang on your festive tree or, alternatively, gift for the Holiday season to someone who enjoys these wonderful and cute feathered friends.
This type of hanging decoration will make a charming and appropriate gift for someone who loves birds, gardening, wildlife and the outdoors. Bring some nature into the home.
Robin birds really stand out against a snow scene backdrop where you can instantly spot the little animal because of the bright red feathers on its chest. Let's take a look at these pretty Holiday decorations.
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Robin Bird Christmas Ornaments Make Wonderful Decorations for the Tree
Image Credit: Original image shared by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay with a CC License
⭐ In a Hurry? Get a Robin Bird Ornament HERE from and at
This is one of my favorite birds and I enjoy watching ours visit every day to come and feed in our back yard.
The hanging ornaments which use this cheeky bird as a design normally work well with traditional seasonal colors and themes and look very distinctive placed around the home as decoration for the festive season.
The Robin is a real favorite back yard visitor. Here in the UK, we get the plump little European version with his brown plumage and vivid orange chest - the feathers are not actually red at all.
In the USA, the same named bird is quite different and actually much more like the European blackbird except for that red feathering.
The delightful European Robin is very different to the American version with the same name and has long been associated with the Christmas Holiday season mainly because it is a friendly bird and less fearful of humans.
This bird is small, roundish and has a lovely orange red color feathered chest which makes it stand out more in the cold, winter months.
I happen to like both varieties which are so pretty to look at and known to be friendly with people too. I get just the one visiting my garden every day and it is fun to watch him (or her - almost impossible to tell our version of male and female apart) flit to his favorite feeding areas.
Of course, it's much harder to find the European version available to buy in the USA, for obvious reasons. But there are some pretty designs if you know where to look.
The Marjolein Bastin designs, not shown, are favorites of mine and they capture the rather plump little round figure that really characterizes this little fella along with a more orange color feathering under the beak area.
I particularly like the plate ornament, not shown, which also features a pretty design of green holly with red berries where one is sat perched on a tree or fence stump and sheltering from the snow.
A wreath design is is a really pretty looking and festive decoration to grace the Christmas tree. I've seen one which is a 3 inch Holiday ornament with a bell on the bottom and a ribbon hanger. I also like a star shaped porcelain hanging decoration with the European Robin Red Breast bird.
I like the traditional look of tree decorations which are made from porcelain. These classic designs tend to feature a printed image of this animal on both sides of the design.
Being made of porcelain, they often come with a high gloss sheen and some pretty gold color string for hanging it on your tree.
I love the 'Robins Warm my Heart' ornament, not shown, which I think would make a wonderful keepsake gift. I love the look at those two birds snuggling up together which is very cute.
Then you have two very traditional winter scenes: one with lots of holly and the other with the animals exploring an antique or vintage lantern in the snow. These are delightful images featuring this beautiful feathered friend.
Just look at that sweet bird singing his heart out. Our feathered friends can have a hard time during the winter months but this little darling chap is staying cheerful. He is enjoying wearing a Santa polka dot hat to keep himself nice and warm.
Image Credit: Original croppeed. Shared by Devid_Jones on Flickr with a CC License
There are also some beautiful vintage bird designs available to buy as Holiday tree decor and decorations. Some designs are even ones that you can easily personalize yourself. Some suggested text for you is 'Sharing the Holidays Together, Williams Family' which you can change to your own family name or someone else's.
When you personalize ornaments, you could also put in the year which makes it a special Christmas or even Thanksgiving gift. Vintage bird images are really delightful to look at and are sure to look fabulous on the tree.
I took some photos of this bird down in our local nature reserve which is a short walk from our home. It is not of the same bird that visits our back yard every day for food but he, or she, is a beauty nonetheless.
I love the contrast of the big, glossy, dark eyes against the orange chest feathers. Enjoy picking out a great decoration to enjoy as a keepsake year after year.
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