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Origami Christmas Wreath Card With Step by Step Instructions

Here's some easy step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami Christmas wreath card design. This photo tutorial is perfect for using to make your handmade Holiday cards. You can turn the paper design into a hanging Christmas ornament too.

See how to make an easy, 8-piece origami paper wreath. The wreath design is made from folded squares of green patterned paper. Makes a gorgeous decoration for your handmade Christmas cards or, alternatively, a hanging paper ornament.

You don't need to use origami paper to make one of these superb decorations. I prefer scrapbook paper which is white on one side and patterned on the other. It's a lot thicker than origami paper but fine for projects like this one which only use a few easy folds. 

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Make an Origami Christmas Wreath Card: Tutorial With Step by Step Instructions

Make an Origami Christmas Wreath Card: Tutorial With Step by Step Instructions

Image Credit: photo belongs to the author.

This origami Christmas wreath card design is made from 8 paper folded pieces that are glued together at the end. If you need to make a finished design without the aid of any glue, there is a "no-glue" video tutorial near the end of the page showing an origami paper wreath design.

With the completed paper folded wreath design, you can hang it up using ribbon onto a tree or, alternatively, an ornament stand. Bigger versions of the same design are possible, you simply need to use larger squares of paper.

Step 1: First Fold the Paper Diagonally

Step 1: First Fold the Paper Diagonally

You will need 8 squares of paper to make this folded design. I use 2.5 - 3 inch squares which makes a finished origami wreath that looks good on my handmade cards. This particular size would also work well for small Christmas decorations. Larger sized squares will result in a larger finished paper folded wreath.

Fold your first square in half diagonally as shown. If your paper is patterned or colored just on one side (as scrapbook paper often is) then the pattern or color should face upwards. Unfold the paper back to a square once you've made your crease.

Step 2: Diagonal Fold the Paper the Other Way

Diagonal Fold the Paper the Other Way

You now need to fold the square paper diagonally in half across in the other direction. Make sure the that pattern or color of the paper is still facing upwards.

Once you've made the diagonal crease, unfold the paper back to a square shape. This makes 2 creases which cross over each other in an X shape as shown in the image above.

Step 3: Fold the Square in Half One Way

Fold the Square in Half One Way

Now fold your square piece of paper in half with the pattern or color facing upwards. This will make a rectangular shape.

Unfold the paper again back to a square once a good crease has been made.

Step 4: Fold the Paper in Half the Other Way

Fold the Paper in Half the Other Way

Fold the square of paper in half again across the other way to make a + (plus) shape.

This time you want to ensure that you are folding so that the pattern or color on your paper is on the inside of your fold as shown.

Step 5: Find the Middle Point

Find the Middle Point

Make sure that you unfold the square of paper and have the patterned or color side facing upwards.

The middle point of your square should point up a little with all the creases that you have made so far. If the middle point doesn't stand up then place a finger underneath the middle of your paper and push up.

Take hold of 2 diagonally opposing corners (i.e. top right and bottom left) and push them together until you make what looks like a 4 pointed star shape with the paper.

Step 6: Make a Flat Triangle

Make a Flat Triangle

Now you can simply push any two opposite sides together to make a flat, folded triangle shape from your paper.

Once you've made the triangle, it's a good time to ensure your creases are nice and defined. Rub over the creases firmly with the side of your thumb.

Step 7: Make a Detail Fold on One Side

Make a Detail Fold on One Side

To finish your folded square of paper requires just a few more steps.

Position the folded triangle down on your table or work surface with the central point facing up as shown.

Take hold of the top layer of paper on the bottom right corner and fold it over to the middle of the triangle. This will form a tiny little triangle fold as shown.

Step 8: Detail Fold the Other Side

Detail Fold the Other Side

You now need to make exactly the same fold on the other side of your triangle.

Pick up the bottom left corner (and the top layer of paper should lift up) and fold this over to the middle. The fold should neatly meet the other little triangle that you made in step 7 above.

Now fold all 8 squares of paper in this exact same way with steps 1-8.

Step 9: Assembling the Origami Christmas Wreath Card

Assembling the Origami Christmas Wreath Card

Now you need to arrange your folded paper pieces into the shape of a wreath. I stick my folded papers together with some sticky tape at the back. You can also glue each one down onto a piece of paper and then trim any excess paper away when complete.

You can start with your first piece placed into an L shaped position as that is the shape that the 2 shortest sides make.

You then need to place the next piece in the < shaped position so that the point of piece 2 meets the middle crease line at the rear of piece 1. Refer to the photo above.

Either glue these pieces in place onto backing paper or use tape at the back where it won't be seen.

Step 10: Building the Shape of the Paper Folded Wreath

Building the Shape of the Paper Folded Wreath

Once you've stuck your first 2 pieces together then move them round anti-clockwise so that your 2nd folded piece is now forming the L shape with its two shortest sides.

Now stick the 3rd piece in the < position.

Continue sticking your folded pieces using this L and < pattern and it will form a wreath shape when all 8 pieces are stuck together.

Step 11:  Almost Done Sticking Together

Sticking together the paper folded origami wreath

When you get round to to inserting the last folded piece then you might need to slot this into place.

For placing this folded wreath on to handmade cards, I prefer to flatten the folds of the design down with a little glue. Alternatively, for more of a 3D effect, leave the flaps to fold outwards a little.

You can see what a beautiful paper folded wreath this makes even if it's a little bit of 'cheat' origami because you need to glue the pieces together!

Enjoy this type of paper crafting? You should also like my Paper Tea Bag Folding Craft for Beginners. Come and try some more easy but pretty paper folding crafts.

See the Completed Version Below and Videos Too!

Finished Festive Folded Wreath Card Design

This is an example of a Christmas card that I made for my husband one year. You can use slightly different shades of green patterned paper to get that same gradated effect with the colors working from light to dark.

Finished Festive Paper Folded Wreath Christmas Card Design Handmade Holiday Craft Papercraft

Image Credit: photo belongs to the author.

A little tag can be printed off from a computer using a word processing program with a greeting or a person's name. A little red bow completes the look. You can also finish off cards by decorating envelopes to match too which looks smart.

For hanging decorations, you can use one completed design or stick two completed origami designs back to back for a really finished look. You would need to construct the second wreath in the opposite direction from step 9 and up for the pieces to fit perfectly together.

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